"I've seen dreams that move the mountains. Hope that doesn't ever end, even when the sky is falling. I've seen miracles just happen. Silent prayers get answerd, broken hearts become brand new. That's what faith can do." ~What Faith Can Do by Kutless

"If love is an ocean wide, we'll swim in the tears we cried. They'll see us through to the other side. We're gonna make it. When love is a raging sea, you can hold on to me. We'll find a way tonight. Love is an ocean wide" ~Ocean Wide by The Afters

"I've been ashamed. I've been put down, head in my hands. My life on the ground, left heaven to save. Liars and thieves, sinners like me. Your blood sets us free. Who am I that You would remember me?" ~Remember Me by Kutless

"I try to capture it but a picture can't hold what a heart is feeling. I just wanna stop the world from spinning so that I can take it in." ~Moments Like This by The Afters

"It doesn't matter what you've heard. "impossible" is not a word." ~What Faith can Do by Kutless

"I still picture the place we were, when I fell into your world. My heart is in you. Where you go, you carry me." ~Keeping Me Alive by The Afters

"I was on the edge Of a distant world. A shattered life With no where left to turn. Till I saw you there And everything I thought had gone to waste, Was falling into place." ~Falling Into Place by The Afters

"What a beautiful smile. Can I stay for awhile? On this beautiful night we'll make everything right. My beautiful love." ~Beautiful Love by The afters

"You're my refuge, You're my reason, my strenght. In this beautiful place that's where I find God.You're in my heart, You're in my soul, You are my heaven, You're my home. You're my best fried, You're my true love, You are my treasure, You're my God." ~You by The Afters

"I wish we all could win. I wish we all could smile. I wish we all could make our mothers proud." ~Someday by The afters

"Love is here. Love is now. Love is pouring from His hands, from His brow. Love is near, it satisfies. Streams of mercy flowing from His side." ~Love I Here by Tenth Avenue North

"You are strenght in my weakness and You are th refuge I seek. You are everything in my times of need. You are everything I need" ~Everything I nedd by Kutless

"Tell me, once agian. Who I am to you, Who I am to You. Tell me, lest I forget. Who I am to you, that I belong to You." ~Remind me who I am by Jason Gray

"Give me Your eyes for just one second. Give me Your eyes so I can see. Everything that I keep missing, give me Your love for humanity. Give me Your arms for the broken hearted, ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten, give me Your heart so I can see." ~Give me Your eyes by Brandon Heath

"Love is in the air tonight, love is everywere tonight. Moving through my heart like the wind, I come alive as I breath it in." ~Love is in the air bu The Afters

"You gave your life for mine, To have me by your side. I won't look back anymore Now that I, I am yours. You'll
never say goodbye. You are the reason why I won't look back anymore Now that I am yours" ~I am Yours by The Afters

"This is what we're here for, to show the world how You love it. This is what we're made for, to lay it all down like You did. When we feel useless, You still use us. Help us not forget. This is what we're here for." ~What we're here for by The Afters

Lite bilder som jag tog någon gång i början av sommaren när jag skulle spela gitarr, men så var jag egentligen inte sugen på att göra det och så hade jag kameran i närheten och så slutade det såhär istället.. hehe^^ Var faktiskt riktigt roligt att ta dehär lite mer "annorlunda" bilderna på en gitarr. Roligt att leka med lite olika vinklar :) (Bilderna är helt oredigerade)